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康娜公主和克雷格A. 米勒



作为戏剧制作人 bet365亚洲官网, 讲故事是我们所做一切的核心, and the holiday season is a time of year rich with stories that, 出于某种原因, 可以一次又一次地打开行李,带着极大的兴奋和喜悦吗. 对于那些喜欢好故事的人, it might be Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” or perhaps the annual 24-hour-marathon of “A Christmas Story” and still others who tune in yearly to witness a sweet, young Natalie Wood’s journey to believing in Santa Claus in “Miracle on 34th Street.“对我们剧院里的人来说, there are many stage adaptations of all these classics – some have even been turned into musicals – and all have some level of success in recreating that nostalgia and sense of good will toward our fellow humans. 但, there is one story that the western theatre world has a distinctive proprietary hold over – and a story that, 大家都说, may be the paragon of them all: Charles Dickens’ "A Christmas Carol."


当然是假日最爱, 《圣诞颂歌》讲述的是埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇的故事, 一个因生活而变得冷酷无情的人. 在一个特别的平安夜, Scrooge is visited by his former – and seven-years-deceased – business partner, 雅各布·马利, who foretells of the visitation of three spirits: the Ghosts of Christmas Past, 圣诞礼物, 还有即将到来的圣诞节. Together they show Scrooge how his choices in life have affected those around him. This classic follows the journey of Scrooge as he rediscovers his flame for life and rekindles a passion for helping his fellow neighbor, 就像所有人类被召唤去做的那样. Sometimes written off as a light holiday fare for the whole family, “A Christmas Carol” contains deeper meaning and themes that reach far beyond its propensity for benevolently celebrating the holiday season; it is a call to action, 以鬼故事的形式, 对那个时代和我们这个时代的人, 过去的, 现在, 和未来的. With our production of “A Christmas Carol” we hope to rediscover and explore this ghost story in a refreshed way that holds a mirror up to society, 求你给我一个非常私人的反思, holding out the possibility for change and connection for each of us who see this story unfold on stage.


狄更斯笔下的伦敦一片黑暗, 肮脏的, and bustling with the factories of the industrial age; it was a grueling and daily life-threatening existence for most of the population. In 1842 a three-year investigation on working conditions in mines and factories in England, 爱尔兰, 苏格兰和威尔士, 被称为 儿童就业委员会的报告 向公众发布了吗. 在这, thousands of first-hand testimonies were given about the lack of safety standards in mines and factories. With the rise of industrialization and the development of coal mining, 越来越多的孩子开始在更早的年龄进入劳动力市场. Children were on average five times cheaper to employ than adults and were expected to work the same hours, 这意味着一天要工作14个小时. The Commission also uncovered many cases in which children had been used to climb into the workings of industrial machinery to clear a jam, 有时会带来致命的后果. 狄更斯本人就是这些孩子中的一个. As a child he was forced to work in a factory to support his family after his father was arrested and taken to debtor’s prison for nonpayment of his financial obligations, likely to a collector of debts much like our Ebenezer Scrooge. This London – a dangerous London - plays as the backdrop for our production of “A Christmas Carol.”


It is a vast understatement to say that there is huge responsibility and courage involved in staging any production of “A Christmas Carol” let alone staging a world premiere adaptation; let alone that newly adapted production coming on the heels of a 20-month, 大流行导致现场演出中断.

让我们面对现实吧, 这个流行的故事已经流传了180多年, and along the way it has established a long history of audience adoration and expectation that makes creating yet another incarnation of “A Christmas Carol” a bit of a double-edged sword. 作为戏剧艺术家, we cannot help wanting to embrace and amplify the expectations and the people’s love of the tale, 但我们也希望提供一个新鲜的, 戏剧性的外观可以帮助制作动作, 字符, 信息充满活力, 可访问的, 而且与当代观众息息相关. That is why we are so impressed with and excited for Kendra Phillips’ world premiere adaptation. 菲利普斯,2021年 美术硕士 剧本创作女校友, has managed to embrace the nostalgic Dickensian elements that have made this beloved story so enduring, all while blazing new trails and finding fresh possibilities in what has, 在许多适应中, become stale and predictable: a daunting prospect for any playwright, 但在这里, 成功的成就.


我们的 戏剧艺术系 制作的“圣诞颂歌”明星心爱的教授 大卫Lee-Painter as Ebenezer Scrooge, and U of I alumni David Harlan as 雅各布·马利. The incredible talents of our graduate and undergraduate programs are well re现在ed by Kalyssa Montoya as Ghost of Christmas Past, 坦尼娅·汤普森饰演圣诞幽灵, 埃米尔·扎费罗维奇饰演未来的圣诞幽灵, 玛拉基·多德森饰演鲍勃·克拉特基特, 汉娜·威尔第. Cratchit, 劳伦·韦尔奇饰Martha Cratchit/Ada, 尼克·汉森饰演彼得·克拉特基特, 麦金利·柯克饰演贝琳达·克拉特基特, 特蕾莎·戴利饰演贝尔, 肖恩·亨特饰弗雷德, 拉姆齐·马奎斯饰演托普/贝尔的丈夫, 阿瓦琳·克雷瑟饰演露西, 康娜公主饰演康娜夫人. 安东尼·柯比饰演朗先生. 阿博特,泰·哈林顿饰演. 费泽威格,泰勒·特尔福德饰泰勒夫人. Fezziwig /老莎莉, Breyden Weygandt饰演年轻的Scrooge/老乔, 艾玛·布隆达饰演范, 谭·佩斯·科利尔饰演成年斯克鲁奇, 扎卡里·沃伦饰演迪克·威尔金斯/父亲, 德西蕾·黑斯廷斯饰演母亲. 我们也有一些社区人才融入了这种精神, 威廉·米夫饰演小蒂姆, and a family affair with Kate Pemberton as Alice and Kate’s real-life sons, 大卫和威廉, 和女儿艾玛.


The Production Team also boasts a wonderful mix of collaborators from our training program, 教师, 在专业领域: 导演: 克雷格一. 米勒. 助理导演:米兰达·巴伦. 副导演/音乐总监:耶利米·唐斯. 戏剧导演:康娜公主. 舞台指导:布莱克·普雷斯内尔. 舞台助理经理:Kari Wilsey & 凯文贝克. 布景设计师:Brindle Brundage. 助理布景设计师:Harry Blackstone & 黛西厄斯金. 服装设计师:艾米丽·罗曼诺夫斯基. 助理服装设计师:妮可·贝查德. 发型/化妆:Haley Alford. 声音设计师:克雷格一. 米勒 & 劳伦·韦尔奇. 音乐的安排 & 录音:Liam Marchant. 灯光设计师:Robert Eubanks. 助理灯光设计师:Paige O 'Callaghan. 道具设计师:Emma Blonda. 助理道具设计师:Desiree Hastings.


Princess Kannah is a Bachelor of Fine 艺术 performance student in the U of I 戏剧艺术系 and the production dramaturg for “A Christmas Carol.”

克雷格一. 米勒 is an Assistant Professor of Acting and Directing in the U of I 戏剧艺术系 and the director for “A Christmas Carol.”


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